In a very different world driven by COVID-19, Airmic has changed the format of their Conference this year with the introduction of Airmic Fest!

Airmic Fest will run between 22-24 September 2020 and we’re delighted to confirm that brandformula will again be supporting Airmic with the filming and production of Airmic TV. For those who aren’t already familiar, Airmic TV is the film channel that has run alongside the Conference over the last few years, providing a platform for industry leaders and opinion formers to share their thoughts and ideas on the key issues impacting the insurance and risk market.

Senior Account Manager, James Howard, one of our key organisers for Airmic TV, commented:

“It’s certainly a different year for the industry! With the rapid adaptations to working practices, and a large uptake in virtual events, we’ve expanded the methods of recording to offer a variety of filming options in order to deliver this year’s Airmic TV. We think these new methods will pave the way for future opportunities for Airmic and the like. It’s an excellent opportunity for us all to get involved in.”

Whilst the format of Airmic TV this year will be very different – with filming taking place across a variety of remote platforms as well as face to face - we are certain the that opinions will be as challenging and insightful as always.

Martin Wiggins, Managing Director at brandformula commented on the partnership:

“As a marketing agency, we’re trying to focus on the positive changes that the current situation is forcing upon the market – some of which, like this, are actually quite exciting. It’s the perfect opportunity to further develop and embrace the shift to virtual events. It’s going to be an interesting time for the team, providing our Airmic TV service in a pretty unconventional way - as we work from home - but we’re most definitely up for the challenge!”

Keep an eye on our social channels for more updates and maybe even some behind-the-scenes action as Airmic Fest approaches.

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